FM Coverage
FM Coverage area
Our FM coverage covers a good proportion of South Gloucestershire and beyond. The coverage predictions below give our best estimate of our current coverage on an average radio. Many people tell us that our FM signal reaches far beyond this area - the record so far is from Jim Solatie who contacted the station in 2022 from the island of Kökar in Finland to tell us he heard us on 107.5FM! But in reality it is usually possible to hear us from Gloucester to the North, near Clevedon to the south, and from Chepstow to the west to Tormarton in the east.
Click to expand
The above coverage map indicates coverage extent to a minimum service level of 48dBμV/m (akin to mono coverage on most radios)
What's the Frequency Kenneth?
We have two transmitters in our FM network. The main one on 105.1 which covers Thornbury and to the north, and the other one on 107.5 which covers the southern part of our area. Listeners in Alveston get to choose which frequency! The map below gives an indication of where each frequency is likely to be the best, but it may not be perfect at the margins. Many car radios automatically flip between these frequencies so you don't need to worry about frequencies!
Digital Radio/DAB? Not yet, but we have been awarded a DAB licence for this area, so we'll be on DAB as soon as we can raise sufficient funds!
But remember, when all else fails we are available in high quality stereo *worldwide* online via our Android and Apple apps and a whole host of radio app partners including Tunein, VTuner, LiveRadio etc. If you have a new car it might be worthwhile spending half an hour understanding how to tune us in on it. You can get cheap SIM cards very cheap nowadays!
Click to expand
The above coverage map indicates coverage extent to a minimum service level of 48dBμV/m (akin to mono coverage on most radios)
Today's Weather
Thornbury & District
Medium-level cloud
High: 8°C | Low: 3°C