Thornbury Radio is a not-for-profit social enterprise. We are constituted as a Community Interest Company which is asset-locked to prevent the Directors profiting from the proceeds of the station. Everyone, including the Directors, are volunteers.
From the outset we've done our best to establish the station as a low cost operation - no wage bill, minimised rents etc. However we still have costs to cover - primarily for our Ofcom licence, music royalties to PRS, PPL and MCPS, energy, software licences and equipment maintenance/renewal.
Our main revenue streams are advertising, sponsorship and grants. In the current economic climate the grants revenue stream has become increasingly unreliable. In parallel, as businesses struggle there is a danger they are (mistakenly) tempted to shave costs by reducing their spend on advertising and sponsorship.
For this reason we ask if there is any possibility or a donation from you, if you listen to and enjoy the station? We'd like to future-proof Thornbury Radio by launching on Digital radio (DAB) in 2024 - we've won the licence and raised half of the necessary funds, but still need to secure another £7500.
As well as helping us financially, your donations would mean an incredible amount to us as volunteers and will have a big positive impact on morale!
Today's Weather
Thornbury & District
Sunny intervals
High: 15°C | Low: 8°C