Ways to show your support

    If you would like to support GLOSS FM, you can do this in a number of ways:-


    • Enroll as a "Friend of GLOSS FM"
    • Tell your friends, "share" and "like" us on Facebook and Twitter.  
    • Also why not try signing-up to our "Free Money" initiative - and generate a small commission for us while you make money at no cost to yourself, and no catches!


    • Please consider advertising to Thornbury and district on Thornbury Radio GLOSS FM - our listeners are your customers.
    • Every pound of your advertising spend will be targeted to local people in Thornbury, not broadcast across the region to people the other side of Bristol!

    Grants bodies & Benefactors

    • It costs money for broadcast licences, music royalties and general running expenses.  We'd appreciate your support.  Please Contact Us!

    Local Businesses and Organisations

    • Thornbury Radio GLOSS FM is currently looking for a premises from which to operate - do you have an empty room or unit that could be put to better use for the benefit of Thornbury?
    • Thornbury Radio GLOSS FM could deliver footfall to your business and offer privileged advertising and sponsorship deals in return!
    • Please Contact Us!


    At this stage we have particular need for people with sound business skills to help us build the organisation.  We need one or two Directors to help steer our organisation as we grow, we need someone to take care of Finance, someone specialising in fund-raising & grants,  and more than one person who can sell advertising.

    If you have experience in the world of advertising, sales, general management and publicity we would be delighted to hear from you.  With your help we can enhance the output of the station and empower the local community in Thornbury.

    If you area budding presenter, please bear with us until we get a permanent home and can build a proper studio.  If you have a home studio then there may be potential for you to contribute - so get in touch! 

    Contacting us couldn’t be easier just Contact Us!